Djembemafia proudly presnets another special secret project - Bassidi Koné Signature Series Dejmebes! Only 10 unique djembe drum pieces built specifivally to Bassidis demands and playing style! One time offer! Bassidi Koné is not only one of the greatest and most influental nowdays malians djembne players, but one of the greatest musicians and artist of all West africa as well! Bassidi Koné plays only malian goat skin djembes, doesnt like carvings on his drums and prefers huge flawless drums. That´s why almost lall of his signature sereies djembe drums are xxl size and all are mounted with extra thick malian goat skin ofthe highest quality only! All djembe drums are made from flawless heartwood of different malain hard wood varieties only. This is a one time offer of very specially and carefully crafted djembe drums! You can expect highest sound qualities, unique wood grains, simple elegant look a best craftmanship! Don´t waste any minute, they will go very fast!